Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Renewing Relationships

During my high school years I had a good friend who was as close to my family and I as the brother we always wanted. He was kind-hearted, giving and always wanted the best for those around him. He was a rare breed and I'd like to think that I was as good a friend to him as he was to me.

We graduated and left for different colleges with every intention of maintaining contact. As time would have it, we lost touch with one another save random sightings by family or friends. We simply fell into our routines and often remembered good times but never put forth the effort to reconnect.

Late last week, he truly was heavy on my heart. Sure, I've lost contact with others but at the time, he was the only one that I really longed to be in contact with. Well, without the expertise of The Locator or even popular sites like Facebook or Linkedin, I found him! A simple google search put me in contact with my long lost friend.

How good it was to reconnect, reminisce and play catch-up. How refreshing to find he's still as humble and sincere as he always was. They say time brings about a change, well this is certainly an instance where I'm glad time seems to have stood still. He is still my friend and how blessed am I to have this opportunity to renew this relationship. The scripture, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you" (Phil 1:3) has never been more true to me. I know that it was the Lord that led me to type his name into that search engine and I am so glad that I followed that direction.

Perhaps you've lost contact with someone who was once very special to you. If so, I'd urge you to give Google a try. Hopefully your search will be just as rewarding as mine.